These internal values include requiring employees to believe in "The Mission", "to accelerate the worldwide adoption of cryptocurrency". Their culture explainer also includes various points (emphasis in the original):
- "We will engage in lobbying, as a single-issue donor, supporting controversial politicians and legislation that furthers The Mission, possibly to the detriment of other civil rights causes"
- We will advertise with and sponsor controversial television programs, podcasts, influencers and events, if it furthers The Mission
- We may incorporate firearm and self-defense training in to corporate retreats
- Should we aim to be exemplary in terms of stereotypical team diversity measurements? No.
The culture document goes on to say that "Someone Must be Offended, Some of the Time":
- "Krakenites are welcome to request (and deny) personal language and communication preferences of each other"
- Everyone is responsible for their own feelings
- Being offended doesn't necessarily make you right
- Being offended doesn't necessarily make you "harmed"
- Words nor silence are ever "violence"
- We do not call someone's words toxic, hateful, racist, x-phobic, unhelpful, etc.
Throughout the document are various notes to clarify that although some of what they're describing definitely sounds like they might be breaking the law, they're definitely not breaking the law: e.g., "Note: We are committed to eliminating all forms of discrimination against legally protected groups in every jurisdiction in which we operate."