Zero Edge crypto casino enters liquidation after founder gambles away its seed money

Headshot of Richard KimRichard Kim (attribution)
Richard Kim, the founder of the Zero Edge crypto casino, resigned on July 2, 2024 after blowing most of the project's seed funding. Kim was a former executive of Galaxy Digital, and Galaxy was among Zero Edge's investors. Within a day of closing a seed financing round on June 20, Kim had begun putting the money into leveraged crypto bets, resulting in "the significant loss of company funds". On June 29, he admitted in an email to Zero Edge shareholders that he had blown around $3.67 million in company funds.

Kim admitted in an interview with CoinDesk at the time that "I really fucked up. I lost this money. It was grossly negligent. But I didn't intend to go run away with this money." He claimed that it all began when he lost $80,000 to a phishing website. "This triggered my old demons, the need to 'make it back' to preserve my reputation. ... [I] started down a negative spiral of leverage trading, raising more capital, and hiding the truth. ... By the seed round's close, I was ready to rebuild, to start fresh, putting past demons aside. But the moment I received the proceeds, something snapped. I felt compelled to make up for my missteps. Within days, millions were in leveraged longs. When bitcoin crashed, I experienced a complete wipeout."

What remains of the Zero Edge company has petitioned for voluntary liquidation in the Cayman Islands, where it was registered. Company liquidators tell a slightly different story from Kim: that Kim misappropriated most of the company's assets and then "disappeared".