Only hours after Sony launched its "Soneium" layer-2 Ethereum blockchain, the company was accused of "rugging" people who had purchased various memecoins launched on Soneium when it began prohibiting their trading. The two tokens, now listed as "forbidden" for trading, were based on Sony products. One, "Aibo", was themed around a series of robotic dog toys. The other, "Toro", was based on Sony's unofficial Toro Inoue mascot.Sony's crackdown on these tokens perhaps should not have come as a huge surprise, given that the announcement of Soneium's launch touted "protecting content rights and creating fair profit-sharing mechanisms" among its goals.
Nevertheless, members of the Soneium Discord widely accused Sony of "rugging" or "honeypotting" them by prohibiting trading on the memecoins they had purchased.