Scammers target victims via web3 job search boards

Job listing website called, with a highlighted "Premium Job" reading "Beta Testers Needed for... Eco Land"Scam job listing (attribution)
Scammers are constantly coming up with creative new ways to pull off their scams, and the latest seems to be targeting web3-interested individuals via dedicated web3 jobs portals. One Twitter user described an experience in which he applied for a beta testing job for a play-to-earn crypto game, only to have his wallet drained when he downloaded what was supposed to be the game file, but was actually malware. He lost 875 ARB ($1,032), 60 OP ($140), and various other tokens.

"Jobless and a bit poorer, thanks guys!" he wrote. "You're passionate about its technology, you wanna be part of it. You DCA. You hodl. You do everything you can to do things right... you're passionate, love the space, the tech. The people. Your willingness to get a job in Web3 is enormous! I stand for on-chain values, and I wanna be a part of the wave!" he wrote in frustration, trying to explain how he'd gotten scammed. "The apparent legitimacy of these [web3 job listing] sites made me remove the 'watch out filter', and boom."