Nirvana Finance drained of $3.5 million

The Solana-based yield farming project, Nirvana Finance, was exploited by an attacker who used flash loans to drain the project of just under $3.5 million. The attacker took out a $10 million loan from the Solend project, used it to mint ANA tokens, swapped the ANA for $13.5 million, and then repaid the loan. The attack was similar to the attack on Crema Finance earlier in the month.

The attack caused the project's ANA token to plunge in value by 80%, and the project's NIRV stablecoin to lose its dollar peg, falling to $0.08. Nirvana Finance tweeted, "Please be advised: ANA has lost its collateral, and NIRV has lost its peg. Until the thief restores funds, these tokens will not have exchange value. Be very careful with trading NIRV & ANA, as they currently have no guaranteed value."

They also tweeted at the hacker, promising to stop investigating the hacker's identity and to pay a $300,000 "bounty" in exchange for the funds back. They wrote, "You have not taken money from VCs or large funds — the treasury you have taken represents the collective hopes of everyday people."

The project had promised its users over 60% APY, and its Twitter account described ANA as "the balanced risk investment with adaptive yield".