AssangeDAO accused of rug pull after transferring treasury to German foundation

Julian AssangeJulian Assange (attribution)
AssangeDAO was a project created to fundraise for the legal defense of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has been fighting espionage and computer intrusion charges for over a decade, and who was imprisoned in the United Kingdom for several years. The DAO raised around $55 million, and when Assange reached a plea deal and was sentenced to time serve, around $10 million remained.

This $10 million was later sent to a German non-profit foundation called the Wau Holland Foundation, which has also been fundraising and managing funds relating to Assange's legal defense. However, this transfer raised serious concerns among some members of the DAO who say they've effectively been cut out of decisionmaking, that the funds were transferred without their approval, and allege the treasury was mismanaged and crashed in value as a result.

Hacktivist, bitcoin core developer, and AssangeDAO organizer Amir Taaki accused fellow AssangeDAO organizer: "Harry Halpin you should be honest and direct with the people here. You believe the money should be kept in a foundation controlled by your people with Julian. You do not respect the community or believe in the DAO."