The Solana ecosystem is grappling with a spate of drained wallets. A cause has yet to be definitively determined, but some of the thefts were linked to the use of trading bots like Solareum. Solareum speculated that the exploits may have been linked to compromised Telegram bot tokens, which could have allowed the attackers to obtain private keys from message history.Solareum later wrote that they would be closing the project, and deleted their website. This drew some criticism from users who accused them of doing nothing to investigate the hack, or even being responsible themselves. The project wrote on Twitter, "We at #SOLAREUM team can clarify that we DO NOT steal money." Ah, well, in that case.
Other bots may have been involved in the theft, though it's not clear at this point. Though there was some speculation that a trading bot called BonkBot was to blame, that seems to have been unfounded.
The total theft amount is not clear, but exceeds $500,000.