Former Gumroad freelancer tweets that he no longer works for the company because the company was planning to get into NFTs, Gumroad founder has a bit of a meltdown

Tweet conversation. First tweet from Jacob van Loon: "your social media presence ranks among some of the worst ive ever seen for a company like yours. never used gumroad, never going to." Tweet reply by Gumroad: "According to your bio's email address, you already have."Tweet by Gumroad (attribution)
Brian Box Brown, an artist who had previously worked for the digital self-publishing platform Gumroad, tweeted that he was ramping up his original art sales because "my former regular freelance employer has let me know they'll be...Embracing NFTs so...we had to part ways." Gumroad founder, Sahil Lavingia, responded on the official 130,000-follower Gumroad Twitter account by sharing what appeared to be private messages between himself and Box Brown, and claiming that Box Brown had only refused to work on NFTs out of a fear of being "canceled" — a claim that apparently missed what appeared to be Box Brown trying to let the founder down gently in a message where he also wrote "I do not want to lose [my job]". Lavingia also lashed out with the Gumroad account at a person who criticized Gumroad's treatment of Box Brown. When the commenter wrote "never used gumroad, never going to", Lavingia appeared to leak private customer data when he replied, "According to your bio's email address, you already have."

By that evening, the tweets attacking their former employee and leaking customer data were all deleted, and the Gumroad account had pinned a tweet saying, "If and when we do anything related to crypto/NFTs, you'll hear it from us first. For now, no plans."